The BMW Driftmob

To celebrate the launch of the BMW M 235i, we chose to shake up things a bit as our target group was made up of fanatical petrol heads. Genuine automobile enthusiasts hungry for extraordinary car content.

And that's what we gave them.

Role: CD / Creative partner: Björn Neugebauer

BMW Driftmob burnout on asphalt

Instead of adopting a classical advertising approach, we entertained our target group with a Hollywood-like film scene and build a whole campaign around it. So the main film wasn’t the hero of the campaign but a tool to create maximum buzz around it.

Our stars were not actors and models, but world drift champions with a big street credibility in the target group. With a lot of followers they played an important part as social media creators in our campaign strategy.

Machanics preparing BMW for Drift

The 2nd group to share the content were hand picked car journalists and owners of car blogs with a huge number of followers which were invited to the entire event. They witnessed the training, had chats with the drivers, got drift lessons with the car and finally witnessed the film shoot.

Below content from the legendary Drive Magazine is a good example.

The whole event took place in 5 days. It involved 5 world drift champion, 240 payed extras, 190 sets of tires, 8 cameras and 1 helicopter.

Last but not least a digital extension for the users at home. The Virtual Driftmob.

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