Florian Barthelmess Real Cows of Milka

Most people would assume that Milka as a large chocolate brand would source their milk from large-scale farming operations. But in fact, every drop in their bars still comes from small, family-owned farms in the heart of the Alps. A product truth that’s hard to believe when your mascot is a fake purple cow.

So, to tell this story we decided to remove the lilac mascot from the packaging, making room for the real stars of Milka: the real alpine cows who produce the milk.

The Real Cows of Milka packs drove people online where we took over Milka’s social feeds with real cow content, straight from their family farms.

Photography: Christian Delfino

For several weeks Milka, the lilac cow went on vacation and got replaced by the real cows we visited. Moocha, Lola, Katja, Marisa and a few more made it onto the bar – and into the shops. The bars were produced in over a million times and sold in European countries like Germany, France, Austria and Switzerland.

Proud farmers with their real cow of Milka

Short Instagram Stories introduced each cow and showed a little bit of their personality.


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